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Aug 4, 2021

Randy Sutton of  

Never Forgotten 
Never Alone 

The National Assistance and Support Organization for Disabled and Injured Police Officers 


Randy Sutton is a 34 year Law Enforcement veteran and nationally known media commentator on Law Enforcement issues. Randy is the Founder of ‘THE WOUNDED BLUE” The National Assistance and Support Organization for Injured and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers.   He served ten years in the Princeton New Jersey Police Department and 24 years with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department retiring at the rank of Lieutenant.  He is recognized as one of the most highly decorated officers in the LVMPD history, having awards for Valor, Community Service, Exemplary Service and multiple Lifesaving awards. He has trained thousands of Law Enforcement Officers in the United States on the subject of “POLICING WITH HONOR”   He is the author of “TRUE BLUE Police Stories by Those Who Have Lived Them”, ‘A COP’S LIFE”, “TRUE BLUE TO PROTECT AND SERVE”, and has been recognized by the President of the United States while receiving the “POINTS OF LIGHT “ Award and is also the author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling book,  “THE POWER OF LEGACY, Personal Heroes of America’s Most Inspiring People” He is the Host of the popular Podcast and LiveTalk Radio show BLUE LIVES RADIO, THE VOICE OF AMERICAN LAW ENFORCEMENT. His web site is 


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Questions Asked:

  1. What is the status of police morale around the United States? 

  2. Current crime rate is rising especially homicides and violent crimes. Do you see this trend continuing or decreasing? 

  3. Cities such as Seattle Portland Minneapolis among others have sought have decreased their police force. Now they're seeing a rise in violent crime. Do you think local officials will come to their senses? 

  4. People talk about the police reform in Camden NJ as if it was a model. But Camden is still the most dangerous city in New Jersey. It's homicide and violent crime rate is higher again those then Detroit. What do you think about the policing the new policing that's been recommended based on the Camden model?  

  5. Are police simply not getting out of their cars and making arrest for fear that their career may be in jeopardy? Is the fear of prosecution holding the police back? 

  6. How hard is it now to recruit qualified applicants to become police officers? 

  7. There's discussion of sending social workers on some calls especially domestic disturbances. As a frontline officer what has been your experience in responding to domestic disturbances? What happens in real life between the time the 911 call is received, and officers show up? And how much jeopardy are these social workers in when they show up in the middle of a domestic dispute? 

  8. Any thoughts on Eric Adams the Democratic candidate for NYC mayor? 




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